Sunday, 13 April 2008

Day 3 (April 13th) 4:30 PM

Did you know that Japanese people eat their eggs with soy sauce? I never thought of the possibility. But it's actually quite good! They eat other interesting things that wouldn't commonly be eaten at breakfast, such as corn, white rice, and miso soup. (Miso soup can have things like mushrooms and onions in a broth.)

So, after our huge breakfast, we made our way into Matsumoto city. First we stopped at the Japan Okiyo-e Museum. It is an art museum with artwork from the Edo period. Okiyo-e means "picture for feeling of excitement." I found it interesting because I had to study the Edo period once before, so I knew a little about it. Then we left, drove a little, parked the car in a public parking lot, and got out and walked for about 15 minutes. As we walked along the street by the shops, we bought some rice cakes and ate them. (Yum) We went into some of the small shops and looked at what each had to offer. After a while, we decided to go into a small curry shop for lunch. It was very good. :)

Okay, so here are some observations of mine. I think almost every Japanese woman I've seen today was wearing high heeled shoes. Doesn't matter what they were doing, riding a bike, walking along the street. High heels! My homestay mother must have walked a mile in high heels today. I couldn't do it. ;) The fashions here are quite roommate, Hanna was looking to buy something to wear on Wednesday when we meet the mayor, and we couldn't find anything suitable.

Also, you really have to be aware when you're walking down the sidewalk/road. Evidently, cars don't stop for pedestrians here! It's taken me awhile to get used to everyone driving on the opposite side of the road too.

Tomorrow we are going to Kataoka Sensei's grave and then lunch. It will be nice to see the other students. :)

Konbonwa! (Good night)


Anonymous said...

wow, you have to go to the grave yard to see the other students? Those teachers must be pretty mean there! Be careful and do everything right :D

I wonder why all the Japanese women wear high can't make them feel all that much taller ;) It sounds painful..... I didn't even know it was possible to ride a bike in high heels... :/

Junosmom said...

What awesome experiences you are having! Perhaps it will make you more food adventurous. You ate raw fish!! Goodness. I wonder if I could do that. Enjoying reading about your experiences.

Junosmom said...

p.s. I was happy to hear that your Humanities class was a bit useful. Cool, huh?