Monday, 14 April 2008

Day 4 (April 14) 6 PM

The Japanese like their Mickey D's! Open wide.

Gas Station

My homestay family's home. See the bonsai? :)

Homestay mother, Kyoko. Driving on the "wrong side."

My roommate, Hanna. (And her ice cream cone)

Paper Origami. Mine's the purple one! :)

Walking yesterday. The river on the right is called Metoba River.
Pictured also is Hiroki on the left, and Yuka on the right.
(Homestay brother & sister)

Pretty mountains and Metoba river again.

Mountains and farm land.

I don't have much to write about today, so I thought I'd post a bunch of pictures. :) Evidently, we had been mistaken about the schedule, because it was only the teachers who were visiting Kataoka Sensei's grave. Oops. So we just hung around today and got some homework done and practiced for a few hours.

So...right now my homestay mother and Hiroki are out buying a motorcycle! Hiroki has been practicing to get his license. (Don't worry mom, no chance of me riding on it!) Then they will pick up Yuka from school.

I have my master class lesson tomorrow...wish me luck!

Mata ne. ;)


Junosmom said...

Good morning! Or evening, or whatever! Thank you for the photos! It looks to be beautiful there. I see Hiroki is home - great! I was wondering if you'd get to meet him. You have lots to write about, shall I send what I want to know? :-)

Junosmom said...

PS that is SOME hamburger!